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For their rings, women are spoiled for choice. Admittedly, there are a few conventions to respect, especially with regard to the wearing of the engagement ring or the wedding ring, but then everything is a matter of tastes and habits. For men, things seem more complex. First, because these gentlemen are not all used to jewelry. Then, because a ring is conspicuous, much more than a bracelet or a necklace that can be hidden under clothing. The question of the choice of finger for wearing a men's ring then arises.


It is undoubtedly the ring that we are most likely to see on a man's finger. As with women, in most Western countries the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand. Traditionally, this finger is believed to be that of the heart and marital love. This is why women wear on their left ring finger not only their wedding ring, but also their engagement ring. Men also elect this finger to receive the ring symbol of their union. Other habits exist throughout the world. For example, the wedding ring can be worn on the right ring finger. Some men also prefer to wear their wedding ring on the middle finger.


The signet ring is a ring adorned with an engraved kitten, in hollow or in relief, which makes it possible to mark or seal official documents in the manner of a signature. The ring can also be set with a stone, precious or not. This use has been attested since Antiquity. Symbol of nobility and a certain aristocracy, the signet ring is a ring steeped in history, which is passed down from generation to generation. Today, if it is still marked by family and hereditary values, it is also a real fashion accessory. It is also one of the jewels favored by men. However, the wearing of the signet ring responds to certain codes, which we can still respect today:

  • When they are the eldest in their family, men wear the signet ring on the ring finger of their right hand, and with their wedding ring if they marry.
  • The other men wear it on the right little finger.
  • Women wear it on the little finger of the right hand.

Namely that in England, men generally wear it on the little finger of the left hand. In absolute terms, wearing it on the little finger was initially dictated by the fact that this position made it easy to seal documents. Nowadays, you are completely free to wear your signet ring wherever you want.


In addition to the alliance and the signet ring, men wear many models of rings, which can be worn on any finger of the hand. In general, we tend to avoid wearing jewelry on the right hand if we are right-handed, on the left hand if we are left-handed. Thus, the risk of damaging or losing your rings is reduced. As for the choice of fingers, men often like to highlight the thumb or middle finger with sober and thick steel or silver rings. Obviously, you have full latitude to wear your rings on the finger that seems to you the most aesthetic and the most practical.
