One of the biggest challenges in achieving any goal, whether it's improving performance, getting up early, making a habit or exercising, is getting to it.
Motivation is key, but finding it every day is not easy.
How does motivation work?
Before moving on to specific methods, it's helpful to learn what motivation is and how it works.
Motivation is what drives you towards a goal, it keeps you going when things go wrong, whether it's getting up early to exercise or working late to finish a project.
Most of the time, positive motivation works better - if you really want something, you're better off trying to avoid an undesirable scenario.
Therefore, motivation is the desire to achieve something. Sometimes you don't want to get up early and be very sleepy, but if you really have a reason to get up early, you'll jump out of bed excitedly. This type of motivation works best.
Why do you need motivation?
Motivation is the drive to act and is an integral part of any professional and personal development. The system of motives is directly related to the psychological characteristics of each person, because thanks to the knowledge of temperament you can choose an approach to each employee. For example, choleric people prefer active work that involves a lot of movement, while melancholic people prefer sedentary, monotonous activities. Knowing a person's motives helps to organize a comfortable environment for him, which contributes to increased productivity.
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types of motivation
Motivation is divided into internal and external. However, the boundaries between them are conditional. It often happens that a person is affected by several stimuli at the same time.
It is characterized by the use of personal goals, human characteristics. Personal aspirations, interests, pleasures, and a sense of satisfaction with the work done are used as motivators.
Examples of intrinsic motivation
This group includes:
- Good luck. This is a motivation for employees who are actively involved in the process of solving difficult problems, trying to improve their professional skills and confirming their competence. New victories and achievements motivate them for professional growth.
- Self-improvement. Learning consists in the desire to learn new things, and with the help of knowledge a person transforms not only the world, but also himself.
- Strive for power. It is a way of motivating you to control the people around you or your own life.
- social need. It is based on people's desire to belong to a group of like-minded people.
Extrinsic motivation is incentives outside the personality. These are elements of the outside world that give certain privileges or, on the contrary, promise some restrictions. Extrinsic motivation is not dependent on one person, as it is built on other people, laws, rules, and conditions developing at that moment.
Examples of extrinsic motivation
Such types of motivation include:
- Cash reward. Financial incentives for job performance are a traditional method of motivation around the world. Money is one of the simplest types of extrinsic motivation, as it is considered a universal reward for work.
- Recognition of merit. A method of intangible reward for work done, consisting of the moral satisfaction of a person whose work is praised and distinguished from others.
- Fear. This is the motivation of people who have a strong desire to avoid problematic situations.
Signs of motivated people
The main symptoms of people who are commissioned and motivated to work are:
- optimism - motivated people are confident in advance that their plans will be fulfilled and the result will be excellent;
- perseverance - for them, obstacles do not become an insoluble task;
- activity - a lot of enthusiasm, which helps not to stop on the way to the goal;
- concentration - people are not distracted by trifles, they move towards the goal;
- Confidence - such people are aware of themselves as a holistic person with problems and shortcomings, they know how to use strengths and solve weaknesses.
in psychology
Psychology is the science that studies the influence of motivation on a person's desires, needs, and condition. There are different concepts in psychology regarding the emergence of motivation. For example, behaviorism says that a need arises when the organism deviates from the ideal. If a person is hungry, he has a motivation to return to the ideal, namely, fullness, and in this case its main driving force is the desire to eat.
Psychoanalysis proposes to think of motives as part of unconscious processes based on instincts and fear of death. Here, an important part of motivation is based on fear and fear avoidance.
in management
Management is designed to encourage people to work and therefore looks for the best ways to create motivation for the team. Theories in this direction are divided into two:
- content-oriented towards human needs and encouraging people to take specific actions;
- procedural - study the factors that affect the degree of motivation.
The approach created with the help of these two aspects should solve a number of problems:
- increase employee job satisfaction;
- develop behavior to achieve desired results;
- Choose individual solutions for each employee category to increase personal motivation.
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in economy
Economic theory looks at a person's motivation in the labor process in different ways. The work of motivation at the enterprise is always inextricably linked with the indicators of employee participation and the degree of productivity of the company. Financial incentives do not always give positive results in this direction. From an economic point of view, it is more profitable to create provisions for intangible incentives in production:
- moral encouragement;
- comfortable environment;
- environment of trust;
- social guarantees.
When several methods are used at the same time, employees are more willing to perform their duties than working for material rewards alone.
Ways to motivate yourself
It's important to start with the right motivation because a good start can provide momentum that can be sustained over the long term. Here are some tips:
start small
This is one of the most important tips for motivation. Great start. It's best to start with a ridiculously easy goal and then move on.
For example, if you want to do sports, you may feel that you need to organize intense training for an hour or more from the first day. No - take small steps instead. Just do it for 2 minutes. It might sound silly, but it works.
Continue in the same mode for a week. You can increase the load, but just stick to a comfortable minimum. It's so easy that it's impossible to fail. In a month you will do 15-20 minutes and in six months you can become an avid athlete.
set a goal
People start with too many goals and try to do too much. It absorbs energy and motivation. This is perhaps the most common mistake.
If you're trying to achieve two or more goals at the same time, you won't be able to maintain the two most important things—energy and focus. This is only possible for heads of state and large companies. You have to pick a goal and focus completely on it.
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make a public statement
None of us like to look awkward in front of others. We will do our best to keep our promises to the public.
You don't need to announce your goal in the newspapers, but you can share it with friends, family and colleagues, or on your blog if you have one. Take responsibility - make sure everyone you tell about your plans receives regular updates on progress from you.
feel the anticipation
Inspiration and light excitement are exactly the mood to keep your spirits high. It's a taste of success, so it's important to feel the anticipation of the positive results that await you in the activity that motivates you.
This may or may not work, but try setting a start date for your conversion instead of starting right now.
How do you motivate yourself to study? Discover our 10 tips!
Staff motivation
A person's motivation as part of a team is based on the formation of people's intrinsic values and needs. Motivation does not only refer to professional activities, but also aims to develop responsibility, activity and diligence. Motivation relates to the fulfillment of professional tasks and the desire for self-development that increases the productivity of not only an individual employee, but the entire company.
A set of measures to motivate staff consists of:
- compensation system. These are wages and all coverage of the employee's social insurance: benefits for injuries at work, overtime pay, sick leave, maternity leave and dismissal allowance.
- It's not a compensation system. It includes creating an atmosphere of trust in the team, increasing the self-confidence of the employees, and creating learning conditions. This increases job satisfaction and helps the employee achieve their goals and objectives. This method is not characterized by the presence of cash payments.
ways to stay motivated
The second component of motivation is to support yourself when you don't feel the excitement you felt at the beginning. Maybe something new has entered your life and the old goal is no longer a priority. You may have missed a day or two and now you can't go back to that day.
When you start moving towards a new goal, sometimes you can't wait to get started. You are full of excitement and your enthusiasm knows no bounds. Sometimes it feels like you can do anything. Shortly after a strong start, the person appears to have limitations and their enthusiasm wanes.
What is discovered is that when you have a lot of energy in the beginning and you want to work as hard as you can, the most important thing is to slow down. Don't let you do whatever you want. Do 50-75% of what you planned.
Make an action plan with a gradual increase in productivity. For example, if you want to close three trades each day, try starting with one and evaluate the possibilities.
Even if you tell yourself you can do more after completing the plan, stop. Look forward to the next day, which will bring two deals anyway. Accumulate energy by using it to overcome more serious obstacles.
just start
There are days when you don't want to go out and take action to reach your goal. Instead of thinking about how hard everything is and how long it will take, just make it clear to yourself that you have to start.
There is a rule - just put on your shoes and close the door behind you. After that, everything goes naturally. Everything seems difficult when you sit still, think about the task, and feel tired. But once you start, life gets easier.
Replace negative thoughts with positive ones
It's important to start watching your thoughts and recognize the inner dialogue that is demotivating you. Spend a few days being aware of every negative thought. Then, after a few days, try to suppress these negative thoughts - call them a mistake and then replace them with appropriate positive thoughts.
motivation theories
Human motivation occurs for various reasons and based on a number of factors. Motivational theories seek to understand the mechanisms that motivate people to take action. Each theory identifies the core of the motivational component people need to take action and strive for quality work.
Maslow's theory of hierarchy
Its essence is that people need different things that are closely related and have a great influence on each other. However, meeting the needs of the lower levels first and then the needs of the higher levels is a priority for human beings. It looks like this:
- The need for sleep, food, rest is the basis of human life.
- The desire for security and stability is the second stage that a person thinks about after satisfying the first.
- Longing for communication.
- Strive to achieve personal and professional goals.
- Desire to be recognized for your achievements.
Alderfer's ERG theory
This psychologist, like Maslow, divided human needs into groups, but chose other names for them. Therefore, Alderfer chose the need to maintain life processes (everything related to the satisfaction of physiological needs), social ties and the desire to develop.
Satisfaction of needs also starts from low and moves to higher ones. If a person is unable to meet a particular need, he experiences frustration and a desire to return to his previous need.
Vroom's expectancy theory
The theory is based on the fact that the current expectations of a person are not yet the final version for the formation of his motivation. Incentives may vary depending on circumstances, environment, personal self-perception. Therefore, effective results can be achieved only if the manager knows the final conditions for the formation of motives, understands the needs of employees that they currently have. This will help encourage the behavior needed to achieve business goals.
Edwin Locke's Goal Setting Theory
This theory includes five principles for goal setting:
- Clear assignment of tasks. It is important for a person to understand what he has to do, to what extent, how to evaluate the result of his actions.
- Call. The goal should not be simple, it concerns and promotes labor productivity.
- Vision of the target. People are more willing to work when they participate in goal setting themselves. They should be given the opportunity to speak and offer ideas.
- The presence of feedback. Without it, it is difficult to evaluate the process of obtaining the result.
- Accounting for complexity. To complete the task, the manager must adequately assess the amount of work and the challenges that need to be solved.
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Adams' theory of equality (justice)
This theory illustrates the fundamental problems that worsen labor productivity. They become a feeling of contempt among employees and a sense of guilt due to exaggeration. To maintain balance, it is important to stick to the "inputs" and "outputs" that regulate the workflow.
An input is an employee's contribution to the company. Exit is the reward he gets for his work. There must be a fair balance between these indicators to keep production running at its best.
Porter-Lawler Model
Explain what determines the productivity and motivation level of the employees of the enterprise. Studies say that an employee strives towards the expected pay. Therefore, if it is low, the employee performs his duties accordingly.
There is a connection between the effort expended and the inner state of the person. This leads to another important result: not only material incentives are important for a person, but also satisfaction with the results of his own labor.
McClelland's theory
The point of the theory is that people should not be distracted by lower needs that are already satisfied, but rather focus on higher needs formed by life experience. High needs include:
striving for professional and personal achievements;
- the desire to be a part of society, interact with people and occupy a high position in their social group;
- the need to have the power to control and take responsibility for the lives of others.
McGregor's basic XY theory
It includes two components - X and Y. Theory X suggests that employees themselves are passive, tend to delegate responsibility, prefer not to take on additional workloads. Theory Y shows that those who work under appropriate conditions are ready to work efficiently and fulfill their duties effectively. The combination of these theories allows us to appeal to different desires and motives by choosing ways of motivation for people in both categories.
Ouchi's Modern Theory Z
This is a management model developed based on American and Japanese management experience. Ouchi believed that the main motivation for employees is not money, but a sense of ownership, team spirit, the opportunity to see the results of their work and receive satisfaction from it. He pointed out that employees are more motivated if they can participate in discussions, discussions, take initiative and share their ideas. At the same time, responsibility for the decisions made is distributed collectively, which encourages each employee to participate in the discussion.
the key to understanding motivation lies in the meaning and relationship among
Myths about motivation
A person's motivation consists of various factors, which is why a lot of unnecessary advice appeared. The main myths include:
- If you write down your goals, it will definitely lead to excellent results. It is believed that the pronunciation and fixation of tasks certainly guarantees success, as it increases the focus on the plans.
- Every possible effort should be made. By following this advice, it is easy to run out without calculating your abilities. And instead of the planned execution of the task, a half-finished project is obtained, which in a short time a person can no longer implement.
- You need to visualize success. Just visualization is a useless tool if not supported by action. This may inspire a person in the short term, but will generally be an ineffective means of achieving their goals in the long run.
Motivation is an important component of personal and professional development. It should be created according to the personal characteristics of a person or taking into account the situation he is in. It is most effective to combine several types of motivation to stimulate various inner needs. This helps a person to mobilize internal resources for work and to feel satisfied with the expectation of results.
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